Welcome to the Lübeck-Sharjah Dual Degree Program
The exchange program between Lübeck and Sharjah has existed since 2017 under the patronage of the President of the University of Lübeck Prof. Gabriele Gillessen-Kaesbach and Prof. Hamid Al- Naimiy, Chancellor of the University of Sharjah. The exchange program is coordinated on Lübeck side by Prof. Jennifer Hundt, Prof. Hauke Busch and Prof. Saleh Ibrahim. Prof. Saleh Ibrahim is also the coordinator in Sharjah.
Within this structured doctoral program, doctoral candidates come to Lübeck for a total of six months during the time of their graduation research in various institutes. The doctorate lasts a total of four years. One year of the program is spent exclusively in Sharjah, where doctoral students receive theoretical preparation for their graduation through a deepening course program. In the second year, the practical work starts and the first of three visits to Lübeck takes place. In 2018, we welcomed doctoral students from Sharjah for the first time.
The main goal of the program is the excellent education of young scientists, but also a scientific and intercultural exchange. The cooperation with the University of Sharjah offers the unique opportunity for the deepening of the scientific exchange and the advancement of PhD students.