
Since 2021, there are new doctoral regulations at the University of Lübeck

Under the following link you will find all important informations:


This is a short summary of requirements you have to fulfill

  1. You have to enregister your thesis. Please fill out the document. Unfortunately, it is in German, so you can find an explanation here and here.
  2. You have to enregister at the Center for Doctoral studies (CDSL) here.
  3. You need a supervision agreement with your Lübeck PI. Please fill out the document, get the signature of your Lübeck PI and send it back to me by mail (see Registration in Lübeck).
  4. I need an abstract of your project (one page, ca. 300 words). A template for this can be found here
  5. Structured supervision meetings (every six months, around March and September): Each student has an Individual Student Thesis Committee. Twice a year the PhD students and the committee members should meet to to guide and support the students through their studies from the start of their thesis work till their graduation. Please organize by yourself a meeting with your Individual Thesis Committee. The contents of these supervision meetings are to be documented in minutes. Please send the signed protocol to the Lübeck administrator. Complete reports are a prerequisite for graduation!
  6. For admission of your thesis you need 4 credit points (see table on website).
    • If you publish a paper as first or second author, participate in a congress or fulfill another requirement on the list during your participation in the Dual Degree Program, please inform me immediately. This way I have an overview of how many credit points you have. As proof I need the DOI number of the paper or a certificate of attendance.
  7. You have to do the "Good scientific practice course". This course is offered online by the University of Lübeck. Please register for this course as soon as possible via the education portal. Places are limited and very popular. The login to the website will be done with your IDM access data you received during your enrollment. The field "abweichende Rechnungsadresse/Lieferadresse" can be ignored


Submission of thesis

In year three of the Lübeck-Sharjah Dual Degree Program you will submit your thesis in March at the University of Lübeck. After submission the Board of the Medical Section of the University of Lübeck will verify your thesis and accept or indicate what you have to change.

Please note: Between the submission of the dissertation to the examination office and the completion of the doctoral procedure (awarding of the certificate!) there are at least 10 weeks due to fixed procedures. This time span cannot be undercut. 

The Board of the Medical Section of the University of Lübeck meets every third Monday in the month. The thesis and the two reports of the rewiever must be submitted at least two weeks in advance in order to be reviewed by the board.

Please note the Leaflet for writing a doctoral thesis at the University of Lübeck for writing your thesis!

What you need to submit your thesis

  • Thesis (PDF and Word document)
  • Application for admission to graduation (the administrator will send you the document, you just need to sign and send it back)
  • CV (integrated in your thesis on the last page!)
  • Police clearance certificate (not older than one year):
  • Research involving human subjects: Statement of the supervisor about the research approved by the Ethics Committee (indicate file number, date of approval) in the APPENDIX of the thesis
  • Animal experiments: Declaration of the supervisor about the animal experiments approved by the responsible office (indication of file number, date of approval) in the APPENDIX of the thesis


Your oral exam will take place in July so that you can attend the Graduation Ceremony in July.

Each student is asked to present their thesis work without visual/media aid (10 minutes). This will be followed up with questions and answers session with the reviewers, not lasting more than 1 hour. The examination board consist of the two reviewers and the head of the Board of the Medical Section of the University of Lübeck, Prof. Karl Klotz.